We Love You!

Mats & Maria Loefkvist, brother and sister founder team
Global Mentor Aid is a non-profit organisation that have created the Brave Dreaming Online Child Mentoring Program. The founders are Mats & Maria Loefkvist, brother and sister team from Sweden.
Mats: Internet Marketing Consultant & Life Coach. Former General Manager for major hotels. Captain of large sailing yachts, Lieutenant in the Swedish Navy. World traveler living for the last 20 years in Samoa, a South Pacific island with his family and 8 kids.
Maria: Registred Nurse, Inspirational Speaker & Life Coach. Creator, Director and Instructor for the Swedish school of massage therapy in Mexico. World traveler living the last 25 years in California USA and Tulum Mexico. Currently living in Sweden with her husband and 2 kids.
Our Bigger Vision To build a sustainable platform where we are collaborating with child help organizations world wide, helping children in different ages to connect with a mentor. Through the Brave Dreaming project and the free "Live Your Dream" course both the child and the mentor will get the tools to understand the process of manifestation, allowing both to create a better future for themselves. This is how we all can contribute to a better world.
Use of Global Mentor Aid’s Funding
General Note
Our costs are mainly to administer and develop our projects. The children will only get the full benefit when we constantly improve and monitor each project. On all funds that we thankfully receive, the following charges will be deducted:
10% goes to VICDA to administrate the project in Kenya.
10% goes to GMA to administrate fundraising, new developments and mentor program.
10% in bank fees, convertion of currencies, credit card fees etc.
Project 1. Private Mentorship
- To find and inspire private mentors for children.
- To coordinate and prepare schools and children-caretakers for mentoring as well as paying for administration costs.
- To support the maintenance of computer equipment and internet costs.
Project 2. Group Mentorship
- Identify schools and universities interested in teaching Personal Development to the children.
- Travels to school locations for education of selected teachers and overlooking the initial classes.
- Paying for teachers, material and admin costs.
- Ongoing follow-up and improvements of classes plus report of progress.
Project 3. Moving into new Schools, Areas and Countries.
- Travels into new identified areas, making personal contacts and building trust with new schools or help organizations.
We rely on donations from private people, organisations or companies with high ethical values.
When making a donation you are welcome to specify what project you would prefer to support
Mentoring a child...
Welcome and thank you for changing the life of a child in need.
Is it really possible to change the life of a child?
I have just been to Kenya and visited the different schools and orphanages which are part of the mentors program. I met with the children, I asked them what they dreamed about. I saw the curiosity shining in their eyes, their energetic liveliness and happiness. Their thankfulness to be met and seen by somebody foreign as myself.
I heard their dreams for something different in their lives. Their motivation to move on from their past and the inspiration to reach their personal goal.
So if you ask me, does this mentor program work, and can we possibly help the children by just talking and inspiring them?
Yes! it motivates them to be all they can be.
Check this short video from the orphanage about kids talking about their dreams...
Do you want to be all YOU can be?
Sometimes we feel frustrated because we feel that our life passes by too quick. We want to make a bigger impact in the world, with our accumulated knowledge from life. That there are so many children in need and we don't know how to reach them. We know that donation helps, but that is just temporarily help with the survival part. We want to make a more sustainable difference. This is it, you can do it, become a mentor!
Why become a Mentor?
Because it is one of the most rewarding things you can do. Giving you a sense of purpose and a deep feeling of fulfillment and satisfaction, from being able to impact the world far away from your turf. Impact a small heart with love, and give their mind the hope and inspiration to use the assets they have, to create a better future for themselves. Using your vast life experience and knowledge motivates the child who never had the opportunities you had. Someone who so eagerly want exactly YOUR attention and love, someone who will admire you and listen to every word with wonder.
The Intention
We are offering this to English speaking adults. From our training you can first acquire the simple steps of manifestation, then simultaneously you will have the opportunity to explain what you are learning, by mentoring your child over skype on the Internet. In this way you are a direct model to your child, for them to use the same tools to create a better future for themselves.
What does it mean to be a mentor?
You are a mentor just by talking to your child.
Yes, it is that simple. It starts with just making a simple connection. You just need to let go of any pressure you have inside about having to teach them anything. Let it all come natural, laugh, show them some pictures and tell a story about yourself. This will stimulate the imagination for the child and build trust between both. The child is very curious about you and your life, which will give room for many of your stories. Many times we don't even believe we have stories to tell, but for the child everyday things count as stories. Through their limited experience they will create imaginative pictures in their minds, which can become dreams. Asking questions like what the child loves to do in school, at home, how he/she lives, what they eat and what they dream of makes it easy to continue the conversation.
Most children are shy.
At the first call your child might be nervous and shy, just like you, but this disappears once he/she feel that you are making a connection. You also might have some problem to understand each other's different accents, but you can joke about it and it will resolve as you continue speaking.Your child will be extremely proud that you have chosen him/her, and feel very special because you care. Your child will probably bring their friend in school to see you because they are all so curious. The child will suddenly be somebody in life because of you. Just showing you care, goes a long way.
How is it done?
The contact will be over skype on internet during school hours. You will be connected with the help-organisations administrator to set up a time to talk to the child. A responsible adult will make sure the child is connected on skype, and is in time for your call. If the time difference is a problem, the children at the orphanage have more flexibility since they have access to the computer at all times. They can talk even on the weekends.
For how long will I be a mentor?
If you feel mentoring is a big responsibility and you ask questions like: What if I stop mentoring, what happens to my child?
Only you decide for how long you want to mentor the child. It can be for a month or for years, it is all up to you. The child will be happy for any length of time. If you stop mentoring the child have support from the community, school and orphanage and can get another mentor. The importance is that you will not feel guilty of any decitions or that you feel you are the end of the world for this child.
We would like to encourage you to stay mentoring for at least 2 months, and to go through the training to make a sustainable impression on the child.
You can't do it wrong.
If this is what you fear, that you will say something wrong or think that you don't have enough skill, just study the picture of the child and look into their eyes:
How can you ever do anything wrong just by talking and caring for this child?
Before I met the children I was thinking they would be sorrowful and miserable because of their poor situation. Maybe even feeling unworthy, disillusioned and sad. It was all my limited thinking. I have never seen so much light and happiness in children before. They had so much excitement and sparkled when they engaged with me and each other. Since they don't know any other life situation they have nothing to compare to and nothing to be sad about. Sharing stories about your life makes them start to dream that there are more realities than what they see in front of them.
Dan Njiriri, entrepreneur and CEO for FinCap Trust, was one of my hosts arranging charity for the children. He grew up in the outskirts of Nairobi in a very poor family. He was destined to herd the family’s sheep and cow. He just couldn't conform to that, this would be his life. He rose up without help and is now helping children to do the same.
-All the children need is encouragements, he said. There are options in life but they need to know they exist.
When the child knows you exist in their life, that will become their encouragement.
Irene Wairimu Ngatia, director of VICDA, my main host grew up very poor. She didn't want to go to school because she had to walk for miles without school uniform or shoes. Later she was studying to be a secretary, but dropped out of school. With her pocket money, she was bringing food to children in an orphanage. She brought some foreign visitors once and after their visit they went back to their country and did fundraising. This continued and today she has helped the community around Nairobi and Naguru with 9 school buildings, 6 orphanage, water and housing projects and seed plantations for the farmers.
- Everything is possible when you find your passion. she says. I didn't know at the time that it was my passion, to help poor kids.
The school protect the child.
Yes, you have all good intentions, but you might think: What if there are people that don’t have good intentions talking to the child?
The child will always be accompanied by an adult during the conversation, which will be held in the school during school hours. We are extremely careful with the children and we protect them from any negative influence. This is also why we ask for your personal information once you decide to become a mentor, and we encourage you to take part in the important free training to know how to mentor the child.
What am I mentoring the child about?
As you establish a connection with the child, you can lead the child into starting to dream about their future. You ask questions and listen to the child. Tell him/her to imagine anything they want in their life. Follow what you are doing in the Get Clear course, and just flow in the conversation.There is no way to get this wrong.
Can I make false illusions?
If you are worried about making false illusions for the child, by dreaming of seemingly impossible things, think about Nelson Mandela. What he did, nobody thought it would be possible. Many times our own limited thinking stops us from dreaming big dreams for ourselves, so we don't believe others can do it either. Everything starts with a dream, and both you and the child need to be Brave Dreamers and believe that everything is possible.
How will I learn?
When you enter into the “Live Your Dream Course”, you will learn the steps of manifestation, and you can talk to the child about it in the same way as you learn it. Start your FREE Training already today. Enter Here!
We will be with you, supporting you on every step, if you ever feel stuck or unsure about what to do. You can also talk to other mentors in our forum to get to know how other mentors solve some situations..
Finally the best!
We are so happy to have you with us and you mean the world to the child and for us too, since we can't change the world without you. You are so special you might not know it, but when the child recognizes how special you are, you will need to believe it too.
Mats & Maria Brave Dreaming
Sorry, at the moment we have no mentoring.
Not ready to mentor a child yet. I want more insight about how I can help a child to dream...
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