Everyone told me I was crazy…
People I thought were my friends stopped talking to me…
What is going on? I just came back to Austria after my trip to the South Pacific
and I told my story about how I fell in love with the island and a local girl and
that my heart is calling me to go and stay on the island.
Immediately I was attacked by people I thought were my friends.
I started to get depressed… and I asked myself, maybe I am crazy and just a
stupid dreamer.
I had to get my head straight around this… I needed to get totally clear.
First I realized that I had hit a weak point in all the people that turned their back
on me. They knew that they should be brave and do things that are out of the
normal… Instead of admitting it, they protected themselves, telling me I was
I had to go out in the forest and be totally alone, just to think and feel what I
should do.
When I looked at what I could experience in a new life in the South Pacific I felt
happy and filled with joy…
When I looked at staying in Vienna Austria, doing normal work, and every once in
a while be able to see my son, it didn’t fill me with the same joy and happiness.
Yes, by going after my dream I had to leave my one year son and I was heading
for a future that I knew nothing about…
Anything could happen… But my heart told me to go for it.
This was the time I worked out a total system of getting really clear and what to
do to make my dream a reality as fast as possible…
Here are the 3 most important secrets!
Everyone Told Me I Was Crazy

Tomorrow I will tell you what I did to follow my dream and what the attackers,
the jealous and envious people later told me…