The Monkey Mind

Is your mind constantly jumping from here to there and everywhere? Well, say hello to your monkey mind… We all have it and sometimes it can be totally frustrating not getting the focus clear on what really matters. Sometimes you would wish there was a “Turn Off” button just to get free from it. There…
Stop Telling Yourself A BS Story!

Getting My Head Clear… I am struggling with a few personal things that I try to get clarity on. So, what I did to get my head clear, was to take a few hours off to go to the beach. See the picture above… We all have our beliefs about what we can do or not do in…
Who Is Right, Me Or My Cat?

I am looking at my cats and just asking myself, how can it be that they are so relaxed not worrying about anything??? My cats (yes, I have 4 of them) are just laying around in the sun enjoying every moment until something catches their attention. In a fraction of a second, they take action……
Do Less And Achieve More!

Are you busy being busy? We are living in a super stressful world, where it is expected that you work your butt off to provide for yourself and your family. Many of us has 2 works to make ends meet and we behave more like a robot than a human… Are you one of…
Stillness is part of the fall and your life.

Internal stillness is slowly finding itself inside of you. If you watch the seasons, the fall is slowly absorbing back the energy from the summer, down into the roots. It’s the same with our energy. It slowly absorbs and goes into stillness. Allow yourself to feel it, it will bring you closer to your essence…