Sunday in Samoa, South Pacific…
Yes, Samoans LOVE FOOD, which is obvious when looking at the size of the people. Every Sunday, almost all families are doing the traditional cooking called UMU. Basically, you make a fire that has lots of fist size rocks in it. When the fire has burned out and the rocks are glowing hot, you put the food on the rocks and cover it with big banana lies. Live it for 45 minutes and the food is deliciously baked.
What people usually cook is fish, meat, taro, banana, bread fruit, plasmi (mixture of coconut cream and young taro leafs) and much more…
The real beauty is when the food is ready, you prepare a plate for your neighbors and have somebody delivering it. It this way you all know what everyone is eating and everyone get a share of it… Try that in the western world!
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