Get Clear Step 1 - Free Training

Mats & Maria, brother and sister team
Global Mentor Aid is a non-profit organisation that have created the Brave Dreaming Online Child Mentoring Program. The founders are Mats & Maria Loefkvist, brother and sister team from Sweden.
Mats: Internet Marketing Consultant & Life Coach. Former General Manager for major hotels. Captain of large sailing yachts, Lieutenant in the Swedish Navy. World traveler living for the last 20 years in Samoa, a South Pacific island with his family and 8 kids.
Maria: Registred Nurse, Inspirational Speaker & Life Coach. Creator, Director and Instructor for the Swedish school of massage therapy in Mexico. World traveler living the last 25 years in California USA and Tulum Mexico. Currently living in Sweden with her husband and 2 kids.
Our Bigger Vision To build a sustainable platform where we are collaborating with child help organizations world wide, helping children in different ages to connect with a mentor. Through the Brave Dreaming project and the free "Live Your Dream" course both the child and the mentor will get the tools to understand the process of manifestation, allowing both to create a better future for themselves. This is how we all can contribute to a better world.
Use of Global Mentor Aid’s Funding
General Note
Our costs are mainly to administer and develop our projects. The children will only get the full benefit when we constantly improve and monitor each project.
Project 1. Private Mentorship
- To find and inspire private mentors for children.
- To coordinate and prepare schools and children-caretakers for mentoring as well as paying for administration costs.
- To support the maintenance of computer equipment and internet costs.
Project 2. Group Mentorship
- Identify schools and universities interested in teaching Personal Development to the children.
- Travels to school locations for education of selected teachers and overlooking the initial classes.
- Paying for teachers, material and admin costs.
- Ongoing follow-up and improvements of classes plus report of progress.
Project 3. Moving into new Schools, Areas and Countries.
- Travels into new identified areas, making personal contacts and building trust with new schools or help organizations.
We rely on donations from private people, organisations or companies with high ethical values.
When making a donation you are welcome to specify what project you would prefer to support
Hey, are you ready to change your future?
Thank you for joining us in getting clear about how to create your own dream and inspiring a child to do the same. You are about to change your future, simply by getting clear about what your innermost dream is and how to reach it through a simple but not obvious manifestation process. When you have this knowledge you will be an inspiration for your loved ones and for the child you want to mentor. The will be excited to follow what you are doing.
Get clear about YOUR dream first, then mentor a child to get clear about theirs.
You are special, You are the dream for the children. Everything starts with YOU. You are the key person to facilitate the change in the child, but first you have to get clear inside yourself about your own dream. Then you can guide the child to get clear about theirs.
We know you are ready for this! This is an exciting road to walk and remember it is not a race, it is the actual journey that is the reward. So, take your time and enjoy every step of it.
Just to clarify... When we are talking about your dream, this doesn't mean that you can only have one dream. You can of cause have as many dreams as you like, (big and small) in many different areas of your life. It is recommended to work on one dream at the time, when you do the exercise. We recomend you to get a special dream note book to keep your dreams organized.
Why do you need to get clear about your dream?
You need to know what you want, in order to get what you want. As long as your dream stays fussy, cloudy and in a dreamlike state it won’t happen. You make it happen by clarifying it, shine your light on it and be really clear on the details of what you want. That is when manifestation start to happen, your dream will become alive and you will have what you desired.

Why are you not already clear about your dream?
Maybe you have never been told that you are the maker of your dreams, the molder of your life.
- You have been conditioned since your upbringing. Starting from the teaching in school to comments from friends, parents, partner, church and your boss, who all have told you what to think and how to behave to be able to fit in.
- You have been taught to focus on what is convenient for society, and not to follow your own dream of what makes you happy.
- You were not taught how to dream at work, but rather how to conform to what is known and safe.
Once you get clear and follow your own dream,
You will start experiencing the following in relation to other people and situations:
- You are no longer run by what other people tell you and think about you. You are independant, following your own path that makes you happy.
- You know exactly what to do, to get in the direction of your dream. You are happy to learn anything new, to get your dream going.
- When you are doing what you want, it’s not work anymore and you enjoy every minute of it.
- People with the same interest will start approaching you and you will have the possibility to help and contribute to others, which in return helps you.
- When you are clear about what you want, everything in life starts to work in your favor, and it will come to you.
- When you do what you want, you can use it to help and inspire others, and easily make it your own business.

Obstacles in your way of being clear of what you want
Here are a few things that you might experience when you start getting clear on your dream:
- You are afraid it will not work out the way you desire.
- You have the feeling of not fitting into your old world anymore.
- You get impatient while waiting and stop trusting in your dream.
- People who you thought would support you, show a different side of themselves.
- Feeling lonely, unsupported and scared.
There could be millions of other reasons why you have stopped dreaming.
Are you ready to get clear about your dream?
Now it's time to start doing the essential things for really getting clear on your dream:
- Start a new journal “The Brave Dreaming Journal” to write down your experiences.
- Listen to the visualization audio below and do the exercises.
Let's dive into the first important tool that will the base for all your future dream manifestations. Without this tool you will not be able to get what you want.

Exercise 1:
Start to get clear about what are the most important things for you RIGHT NOW in your life. What makes you feel fulfilled and happy.
Finish the question and write down the first thing that comes to your mind.
Don't judge if it is possible or not.
1: If I had only one more healthy year to live I would…..
2: I would also…..
3:I would also…..
4: I would also…..
5: I would also…..
Look at the above statements and feel the significance they have in your life right now.
Ask yourself :
If I could only have one of these things which of the 5 statements would that be?
Then exclude that statement and ask the same question again, until you have a sequence from 1-5 of what’s most important for you.
With these statements vividly in your mind enter into the dream lab to explore them in detail and let them create the dream picture.
Making your Dream Lab
Listen to the audio then write down all the details about your dream, as vividly as possible into your Brave Dreaming Journal. This is for your mind to remember your dream lab and your dream picture.
Audio Exercise - Making Your Dream Lab
Exercise: Making your dream lab
Download Your Exercise Sheet Here
Describe your dream picture as detailed as possible, and charge it with strong positive feelings.
Write the answer to these following questions: If you need help, use the attached exercise sheet with more questions.
- Where were you?
- How did it make you feel?
Keep your mental dream picture and look at it as many times as possible during your day and remind yourself of it before you go to sleep at night.
Go back into the dream lab and make changes, adjustments, add or take parts away. Make your picture more clear every time and write down all the details every time you come back.
If you have many dreams that you want to manifest, you still have to take one at the time into the dream lab. If not, your mind will fluctuate in between different dreams, and you won't get clear on any of them. Decide on one dream at the time, and let the mind create the details.
Remember that you are the creator of your dream, so dream bravely.
You are now ready to continue with the SECOND STEP of getting clear. We will get into vital things that gives the fuel and the power to your dreams, bringing what you desire into your life as fast as possible...
We would love to know what questions you have about getting clear and what areas of your life you would like to focus on. This will help us to deal with what is the most important thing for you. Please write your comments below or send an email to
Keep on dreaming and see you soon.
Mats & Maria